Inicio Gaming Nine upcoming gems which have piqued our interest this autumn

Nine upcoming gems which have piqued our interest this autumn

Nine upcoming gems which have piqued our interest this autumn

Gamescom might’ve been subdued by way of announcements – a minimum of in comparison with previous years – however it’s been quietly sensible for unearthing interesting games. You may’ve seen our takes on the more big-and-obvious fare, from demos of Creative Assembly’s latest thing Hyenas and Glen Schofield’s Dead Space-alike The Callisto Protocol, to a pleasant chat with Sonic boss Takashi Iizuka and hands on with Sonic Frontiers, a little bit of time with Obsidian’s darkly sensible Pentiment, and a have a look at Warhammer 40K: Darktide’s meaty gunplay.

But! There are more games than simply these big, obvious ones coming soon, and so they very much deserve your attention, so here’s a rundown of all the opposite clever, inventive, or simply generally interesting curios that impressed us from the show.

The Great War: Western Front

Release date: 2023

Platforms: PC

A practical, First World War RTS, The Great War: Western Front’s pitch may sound well-worn (and decidedly Gamescom), however it comes from a team with serious pedigree in Petroglyph, the developers of the unique Star Wars: Empire at War and, way more recently, the very well-received Command and Conquer remake. It also comes with a pleasant twist: battles haven’t got to be outright won or lost, like a standard RTS, but simply ended at the appropriate time. This makes it a game of «marginal victories,» because the developers put it to us, where it’s as much about conserving resources – or draining your enemy’s – because it is outright winning territory.

That is all delivered in some typically impressive wrapping. Petroglyph is shooting for realism, as you’d expect from the genre, with nice touches like real photography and music decorating the UI, and an enormous suite of options for battle, from rolling smokescreens to undermining tunnels below enemy structures, to a heavy emphasis on trench warfare, visibility, and movement. We saw enormous enemy charges mowed down because they were poorly thought-out, while strategic manoeuvres to cover progress with smoke and flank a dug-in opponent worked well. Music to the ears of hardcore RTS history nerds all over the place.


Release date: 2023

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch

Dordogne - a watercolour still of a girl rowing a little kayak down a river towards a distant French village, surrounded by greenery

Frenchness in a video game, this – meant in the very best possible way. Dordogne is a micro-developer indie, set in rural France, presumably on the soporific end of summertime. You play as a girl who returns to her grandmother’s house after her death, and flash back to your childhood there, the aim being to explore the home and its surrounding area for words, sounds, and pictures, capturing them by literally clicking on emotive words like «tranquillity,» nestled amongst some swaying trees on a woodland path, or snapping polaroids of picturesque scenery, or using a cassette recorder to capture the sounds of running water by a stream. It’s French like haute cuisine is French, art delivered via a proper, almost literal structure. Perhaps a touch on-the-nose, but a splendidly direct and, undoubtedly, tranquil tackle mindfulness-as-play. And its genuinely beautiful watercolour surroundings definitely help.

Vikings on Trampolines

Release date: TBC

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox

Vikings on Trampolines - a gameplay still of several vikings leaping high in the air above a longship under attack from a huge creature

An aggressively easy premise, but with sumptuous pixel art and personality behind it, from the team who made the sensible Owlboy. This one was created with certainly one of the developers at D-Pad’s little sisters in mind, originally dreamt up years ago when he was a teen, so she could play it with only a single button. You utilize just the one joystick to play, as you might have guessed, as a Viking jumping on a trampoline. There are a number of modes, some co-operative, just like the primary adventure mode where you dodge enemies to bonk on the top of bosses, while others are more of a free-for-all. An ideal party game, albeit a test of how far a straightforward, clean premise can get you.


Release date: 13 September, 2022

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox

Isonzo - a PR shot from POV perspective of the player and teammates running up a sunny mountainside amidst explosions

Isonzo is the third in a First World War shooter trilogy from BlackMill Games, following on from 2015’s Verdun and 2017’s Tannenberg. These have an excellent fame with the hardcore, sitting somewhere on the multiplayer FPS spectrum between the more arcadey tone of Battlefield and actual hardcore direction of something like Hell Let Loose. Emphasis has been placed on upping the stakes this time, achieved by changing spawns so that folks charge as more of a single, epic push.

There is a more summery vibe to things, with the sport set within the Italian mountains and bringing in some impressive elements of realism, including all of the staples like major destruction (you possibly can blow up bridges) and nicely detailed environments. You play through things called offensives, with 1-3 maps per offensive and 2-6 sectors per map, essentially like an enormous, ongoing game of Battlefield’s Rush mode, if that is your poison. Focus for the hardcore might be on incremental tweaks to things just like the gunplay, with automatic mantling and a smoother experience overall, and more diverse classes and playstyles to pick from. For newcomers, it’s a powerful, strategic shooter that is a step up in involvement from its triple-A cousins.

Deliver Us Mars

Release date: 2 February, 2023

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox

Deliver Us Mars - a cinematic shot of the protagonist from behind as she walks across Mars

Shoulders have at all times been the scourge of the double-A game, and so they remain so in Deliver Us Mars, a sci-fi, exploratory narrative game that is really all about its brilliantly QWOP-y climbing. That is made by a really small team – hence the marginally awkward shoulders – however it brings in a number of extra elements on top of its predecessor, Deliver Us the Moon (the team at Keoken Interactive emphasise that you just won’t have to have played that to know what is going on on here.) The puzzles are a little bit easy – think Portal puzzles about lining up beams of sunshine across a pair rooms, but without the portals to spice that up. The actual hook is the climbing, which requires a weird type of rub-your-stomach, tap-your-head coordination across holding and releasing each triggers. Think Tomb Raider in space, and swap your guns for pickaxes – higher analogies escape me, but please consider me after I say it is a weirdly addictive mix.

Miasma Chronicles

Release date: 2023

Platforms: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S

Miasma Chronicles - the two protagonists, a human and a robot, walking through a post-apocalyptic town like they're in a western

Miasma Chronicles is a real-time tactical hybrid – in other words, you run all over the world together with your party at your side, within the type of a CRPG like Divinity: Original Sin, after which whenever you get into combat, things move into an XCOM-style turn-based tactics game. It’s from the team behind Mutant 12 months Zero, which used the identical type of format and seems, due to this fact, to be quite a natural successor. It is also just generally a neat mix, and a surprisingly pretty one at that.

Miasma’s primary protagonist seems to come back from the Jedi Fallen Order school of freckled American whippersnappers, but the remainder of the solid on show are brilliantly inventive, as developer Bearded Ladies has shown a knack for up to now. A tin-can robot is your primary ally (you get three people in your party with one swappable), while across the hub town you may check with a detached head in a jar (complete with cigar) who’s the mayor, and spend your missions blowing up oversized humanoid toads from behind half and full cover. They’ll drop loot, namely in the shape of plastic, this game’s version of post-apocalypse money, in addition to collectibles and items that afford you various upgrades, including a type of Force Throw – hello there again, Cal Ketsis – and that feeds back into the cycle of exploring, fighting, upgrading and repeating. It’s a nice surprise, remarkably lovely to have a look at, and the type of tactical chess-shooter I can see myself sinking hours into with ease.

The Last Employee

Release date: 19 October, 2022

Platforms: PC, PS5, Xbox, Switch, Oculust Quest (VR)

The Last Worker - a gameplay still of you working your way through the grey Amazon-like factory holding a box

The Last Employee is a bleak satire of hyper consumerism and mega corporations, taking direct aim on the deistic leaders of Silicon Valley tech giants and American oligopolies. No corporation captures the essence of automatised mass alienation quite like Amazon, nonetheless, and so it’s no surprise that specific company is the one most prominently sat in The Last Employee’s sights. You will play as a person named Kurt, who is kind of literally the last person working at his factory, a «Jungle» branded version of Jeff Bezos’ infamous fulfilment centres.

The refreshing thing about The Last Employee, by comparison to another games with political undertones, is that it’s thoroughly unafraid of occurring the attack, aiming to wield comedy because the «lance» described by Chris Morris (and approvingly retweeted by the developer). Its pitch is robust enough – writer-director-producer Jörg Tittel, who’s as splendidly acerbic in person as he is thru the vehicle of his game, can also be frightfully well-connected, having come to games via the back door of film, and so The Last Employee is laced with talent. Mick McMahon, the comic artist behind Judge Dredd, worked on the concept art; Oliver Kraus, who’s worked on a lot of Hollywood movies and with artists like Adele, handles the rating. Jason Isaacs heads up a glittering solid.

You will work your way through this infinite maze of tat with a grab gun and a companion who tempts you into riot. That brings the likes of Portal to mind – especially when mixed with the type of workplace motivational poster banter that Portal introduced to games. But with mechanics taking a backseat to sheer intensity of tone, whether The Last Employee lands will depend far less on its already impressive pedigree – and more on how smartly it could use that lance.

Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles

Release date: TBC

Platforms: PC, others TBC

Bulwark Falconeer Chronicles - a city built on a pointy mountainous rock at sea with a yellow haze

Thomas Sala, the person behind The Falconeer, is back with a curious not-sequel in Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles. Set in the identical universe but 30 years later, after the war of The Falconeer, you are now in command of rebuilding, somewhat than fighting the war itself. The actual hook is how curiously hands-off the sport is, a minimum of on this early state. Sala showed us the constructing in motion – a type of semi-automatic system where you effectively point a town in a direction and off it goes, all blossoming spires and spurting limbs of wood jetty.

That is all contextual, he tells us. Areas closer to waterfronts might be more ramshackle, as an illustration, while higher towers more glamorous, reflecting the preferences of the rich. Access to different resources will change the character of the structures, sea routes could be opened for trade, giant, wonder-like areas discovered out on the ocean and skirmishes from enemy factions resisted. All of this happens without much, if any, of a UI. So no numerical values to how much wood or stone you may have, say, and no specificity to what exactly you are constructing or where (Sala was told to place more of that in, he said, but kind of replied «no»). The result’s something that appears a bit like magic, born of an enthralling stubbornness of vision. Let’s hope Sala digs his heels in.


Release date: 15 November, 2022

Platforms: PC

Floodland - a sludgy outrcrop of land with makeshift tents and structures on it by some murky water

Video games, above some other medium, must surely have the very best variety of art styles inspired by garbage. Floodland is one other – a clever, and somewhat inspiringly switched-on tackle the «society builder» genre that sees you rebuilding civilisation after a climate catastrophe. Progress works like this: you rescue people, who you then put to work scavenging from the environment, be that picking berries or finding drinkable water or, you guessed it, harvesting trash, which becomes a key constructing material. Slowly your recycled society grows, and so you’ll have to develop more sophisticated technology, explore and expand further across the land, and reintroduce laws and structure over again.

It isn’t the very best at explaining itself – we, and a number of others around us, soon found things suddenly coming to an end as resource income collapsed. It turned out we would missed a load of starter deposits dotted across the early game island that did not exactly make themselves known, and so momentum was almost inconceivable to construct. Things were much swifter on the second time of asking though, and balancing the numerous arms of the survival scales, alongside a more progressive spin on the old explore, expand, exploit, exterminate mix, makes for an enjoyably modern tackle an otherwise staid and stoic genre.

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